About Us
MECA 自成立以来,一直专注于美国原装进口水性涂料(杰明摩。摩尔 Benjamin Moore )、天然石材、人造石材、铝材洗衣机柜的推广,我们拥有自己的色彩搭配及施工团队、石材工程及家装的生产安装团队、铝材洗衣机柜生产线多条。我们一直致力于为客户提供优质的选材及施工方案,努力追求建筑与自然更有机结合、让每个家居更加舒适安逸!未来,请让我们一起携手,共同营造更具品味的家。
Since the establishment,MECA has been engaed in the application and promotion of the authentic imprted US water paint Benjian Moore. We offer personalized color formulas and high quality application plans,while pursuing better combinations of building and nature,making a house radiant.If you want more taste for your home,we can help you with the best quality products in our field.